Dutch Geo Fiction AssociationDGFA
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Vanirn flagVanirn


Vanirn is an imaginary country, designed in 1978. Vanirn is a rather big country with over 100 million inhabitants, about 1.8 million of them living in the Vanirn capital, Lumingrud. Vanirn is a republic. If you like, you can see a list of presidents who have been in office.
Positioned in the equatorial zone of the planet Secran, in the imaginary Disteyn system, Vanirns neighbouring countries are:

The other countries on the planet are:

Most of these countries are designed and 'run' by others, most of them members of the Dutch Geo Fiction Association (DGFA), founded in October 1984. Within this association, there are many more imaginary countries and planets, designed by a great variety of people. They have an even greater variety of interests, reflected in their countries. And with imaginary countries, you can do funny things. Years ago, on a fine Queen's Day, a national holiday in the Netherlands, Vanirn Gibson beer and Tillotson wine was sold somewhere in Amsterdam. With every bottle of wine came a little map of the Tillotson wine region, and some customers believed that region really existed... Santé to them all!

'109' - intercontinental Magnorail train

Top of page © Vanirndesign, 1978/1995 - 2002.